Winston Fly Rods
Winston fly rods
began in 1929 when Robert Winther and Lew Stoner bought the Western
Fishing Rod Company of San Fransisco. This is where the name Winston is derived from...
Winther and Stoner. The bamboo fly rods that they made almost instantly earned them
a reputation for quality and performance. The company changed hands a few more times and now resides in Twin Bridges, Montanna. Winston makes some really unique fly rods
that boast exceptional quality. Prices on these fly rods can be a bit high but
if you can shell out the cash, pick one of these up. You won't be sorry! Look at the models below and see what Winston has to say. Click on the links to take you to my partner site. You can also read
reviews on these rods if they're available.
These incredibly smooth-casting, 5-piece Winston fly rods fish wonderfully and travel exceptionally well. They feature soft tips, rod actions that are slightly faster and crisper than our WT series, and, of course, the distinctive feel found only in a Winston. Our internal spigot ferrule system ensures that the taper and internal diameter of one section of the rod exactly matches that of the adjoining section. The performance of these rods is unmatched in the category. An LT-5 piece is a superb choice, whether you're hiking into the backcountry or just heading out for a day's fishing. Line weights 2-6. Priced $695.
WT Trout:
Most trout fishing situations involve casts of less than 60 feet, usually far shorter. And when you're working these shorter distances, the ability to make gentle, accurate presentations is the key to success. Many experienced anglers consider the WT rods to be the ultimate choice for such fishing. With progressive tapers, they work nicely at close distances yet can make longer casts when needed. Proven on trout waters worldwide, these medium-action Winston fly rods are incredibly smooth, offer incomparable touch and feel, and the tips are soft enough to protect 6x and 7x tippets while playing large trout. Line weights 2-6. Comes in 2 and 3 piece. Priced $635.
Boron IIx:
Introduced last year, the Boron IIx rods have redefined the fast-action category. Featuring second-generation boron/graphite composite, they're powerful, responsive, very accurate and have the widest casting range in the Winston line. Imagine a rod that loads easily for delicate presentations up close, yet can make very long casts of 100 feet. Until the Boron IIx series, this was unheard of in a fast-action rod. These Winston fly rods are close to an ounce lighter than any comparable weight models on the market; all unnecessary weight has been eliminated from the ferrules, and the rods are all available with a graphite reel seat. Fast-action, incredible casting range and incomparable Winston quality. The 11', 7 weight is my favorite steelhead rod.
I urge you to cast a Boron IIx today. Line weights 3-10, and 12. Comes in 4 piece models. Priced $645-705.
Boron II-MX:
Built with all of the characteristics of Boron II, with a little extra strength for those heavier flies needed in a typical saltwater condition. These Winston fly rods are based on the beautifully appointed Winston green blanks, with hand written serial numbers and rod identification. The serial number is written on each of the 4 sections of the rod and the nickel silver winding check finishes the Cigar and Full Wells premium cork handles. The nickel anodized aluminum reel seat is featherweight, but strong enough to handle any amount of torque you apply. Line weights 5-12 excluding 11 weight. Comes in 4 pieces. Priced $655-715.
Boron IIt:
The lighter cousin of the Boron IIx,this medium-action fly rod is perfect for throwing those dry flies on a windy day. These fly rods give you the line speed to control your fly, and enough power to control your fish. You can cast these rods all day and leave without a sore shoulder. Comes in line weights 3-5. All rods are 4 pieces. Priced $645.